Origami: The art of paper folding

Origami is the art of paper folding that originated in Japan almost a thousand years ago.

There are many creative ideas for Origami and all you need to start is a piece of paper and a pair of scissors.

Ideas For Origami

1. Make a Book With Origami Pictures

A book with origami pictures

2, Make n Origami Greeting Card

Origami birthday card
A pop-out origami centre of card

3. Make an Origami Mobile.

Origami mobile

4. Make an Origami Wall Design

Origami wall design

5. Have an Origami Puppet Show

Origami puppet show

6. Make Origami Dolls

Origami dolls

7.  Have an Origami Plane Race

Origami planes. Who has the fastest?

Click here for WikiHow's Origami tutorials


Origami: The art of paper folding

Origami is the art of paper folding that originated in Japan almost a thousand years ago. There are many creative ideas for Origami and all...